Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Pacifica Graduate Institute
"Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life"
A lecture and media presentation by Jerry Wennstrom
Depth Psychology Program
Contributing Faculty Lecturers include:
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., Ph.D., Evans Lansing Smith, Ph.D., Robert D. Romanyshyn; Allen Bishop, Ph.D., Carol S. Pearson and Jerry Wennstrom

This video was created from a lecture and art presentation by Jerry Wennstrom for “Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life” a depth Psychology program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara CA. The seminar was facilitated by Dr. Ana Mozol Ph.D.

In this video Jerry shares his unusual personal story, insights and photographs of the large body of art that he created throughout his lifetime. It is an intimate and in-depth guided tour of the creative journey and psychological process of an artist. Jerry articulates his quest, not just for creative inspiration but also for that "quantum leap" that sets one on the path of an inspired life. Paradoxically most of the paintings shown here were destroyed by the artist in 1979 and as stated in the video transformed into a more complete and whole way of Being. The sculptures presented here are only part of the entirely new body of art that has emerged.

Other Contributing Faculty Lecturers in the Engaged Humanities program include: Stephen Aizenstat Ph.D. Ph.D. Evans Lansing Smith Ph.D. Robert D. Romanyshyn; Allen Bishop Ph.D. Carol S. Pearson

to a past lecture with the
Residential Humanities
Program lecturers include:
Rick Tarnas, Marion Woodman, Jerry Wennstrom, and Evans Lansing Smith.

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